Conference Theme
Promoting Context-Responsive Wisdom & Knowledge for Sustainable Futures
Conference Sub-Themes
1. Transformative Education and Innovation
- STEAM education, Contemplative education; Technology-assisted open learning and digital equity; Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge; Synthetic integrated modes of thinking; Engaged learning
2. Transformative Research and Creativity
- Local cosmology and post/enlightenment thinking, Liberatory epistemologies; Non-human dimensions of meaning-making; Mindful/soulful inquiry; Place-based metaphors logics and knowledge traditions
3. Sustainable Development and Ecology
- Environmental sustainability; Sustainability in economic, social and cultural contexts; Self-governance, self-management and cultural autonomy; Arts and creativity as resources for sustainability; Education for rural transformation
4. Organizational Leadership and Management
- Organizational ethics and value systems; Entrepreneurial learning and leadership; Managing human resources; Transformative professional development; Place-based organizational leadership and technology
5. Personal Transformation and Well-being
- Resilient thinking; Holistic living; Healthy community, Positive emotions; Spirituality and compassion; Authentic relationships; Sustainable peace and happiness
6. Teachers Professional Development
- Teacher training; Pedagogical approaches; Transformative curriculum; Instructional designs; Assessment and evaluation; Value based education; Innovative teaching approaches