Anna Robinson-Pant is Professor of Education at the University of East Anglia in the UK and holds the UNESCO Chair in Adult Literacy and Learning for Social Transformation. She has worked in Nepal since the 1980s as a teacher trainer, educational planner and researcher. Her ethnographic research in Nepal – Why eat green cucumber at the time of dying? Exploring the link between women’s literacy and development – received the UNESCO International Award for Literacy Research in 2001. She is committed to raising the profile of participatory and ethnographic research approaches in the international development policy arena. As Editor of Compare: a journal of comparative and international education, she became interested in the geopolitics of academic writing and intercultural perspectives within research methodology. She has been actively involved in developing the internationalisation agenda within UK higher education, and received the BMW Group Award for Intercultural Learning (Theory Category) 2007 for her contribution to theoretical understanding in this field.
Key Publications:
Acharya, S. and A. Robinson-Pant (2017) Women, literacy and health: comparing health and education sectoral approaches in Nepal, Compare,
Robinson-Pant, A. (2017) Academic literacies: ethnographic perspectives, in Callan, H. (ed) International Encyclopedia of Anthropology (IEA), New York: Wiley
Robinson-Pant, A. and A. Wolf (2016) Researching Across Languages and Cultures: A guide to doing research interculturally, London: Routledge
Robinson-Pant, A. (2016) Learning Knowledge and Skills for Agriculture to Improve Rural Livelihoods, IFAD-UNESCO, Paris. Available at:
Robinson-Pant, A. (2016) Promoting health and literacy for women’s empowerment, Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. Available at:
Robinson-Pant, A. (2016) Exploring the concept of insider-outsider in comparative and international research: essentialising culture or culturally essential? In Crossley, M., Arthur, L. and E. McNess (eds) Revisiting Insider-Outsider research in Comparative and International Education, Oxford: Symposium Books
Robinson-Pant, A. and N. Singal (2016) Researching ethically across cultures: Issues of knowledge, power and voice, London: Routledge
Robinson-Pant, A. (2016) Beyond the classroom: from education for rural transformation to learning within rural transformation, Journal of Education and Research, August 2015, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 6-21